Who Will Inject Your Botox – and Why it Matters

Posted on March 22nd, 2014

botox-or-fillersIf you were going into hospital to have a major operation, you would like to know the surgeon was properly trained and had lots of experience doing that particular operation, wouldn’t you? The same applies for Botox injections. Unless you have a properly trained and experienced doctor do the job, you cannot be sure it will be done properly.

Different techniques

In fact, even among trained and qualified doctors who’ve done a lot of work on wrinkles in this way, the application can vary. For instance, suppose you were having those crow’s feet at the corners of your eyes treated. Once doctor may give mini injections into each of the several wrinkles that form when you smile while another may consider just one larger injection sufficient to treat them all. Neither technique is necessarily wrong – sometimes what works on one person simply doesn’t work on another.

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Eight Tips to Help Avoid Botox Side Effects

Posted on June 14th, 2013

Botox Side EffectsBotox injections are a popular treatment for getting rid of facial wrinkles, especially in the upper part of the face. These injections can also be used around the lips to remove those vertical lines that sometimes appear. However, dermal fillers might be a better choice for this area, especially considering they last longer. Not everyone has side effects from using Botox and those that do may only experience one or two of the several that can affect patients.

While many side effects are not very bad, it’s better to not suffer from them, so here are 8 tips to help lessen the likelihood of getting any side effects.

  • Only allow a respected medical professional to do the injections in a medical setting. Then if you do have side effects, they can be treated properly and at once.
  • Always tell the doctor about any health problem you have, even it is an unimportant one.
  • Tell the doctor what medications you are on, including over the counter vitamins and herbal supplements. Some of these products can interact with Botox and cause problems. Tell the doctor if you’ve recently had antibiotic injections or take allergy or cold medication.
  • Follow the instructions for pre and post procedure care to the letter. If you leave something out you are putting your body at risk. The doctor knows exactly what care such a procedure needs to get the best effect and avoid side effects.

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Botox Treatment Costs

Posted on July 17th, 2012

Asking how much a Botox treatment cost will get the same type of answer you would get from a carpet cleaner or a hairdresser about their services. They will all tell you a version of, “it depends”, and it really does depend on a lot of different factors. Botox treatments change with the neighborhood literally, the price can change with the geographical location.

You cannot find a celebrity 25 and older that has not tried it. It is easy and effective and for most to them cost is not a consideration, they will pay what it costs to stay younger looking as long as possible. And besides Botox is much less invasive and costly than plastic surgery.

The reasons that the costs vary so much is simply because every person’s needs are different. If you only need forehead shots why pay for crows feet and laugh lines and vice versa. Clinics and so called specialists often advertise on a “cost per area” basis. Doctors have said that for the best prices look for providers that charge on a “cost per unit basis”.

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Why Is Botox Treatment Better Than Using Wrinkle Creams?

Posted on July 17th, 2012

p61The very thing that makes Botox different is also the reason no wrinkle cream can compare with its results. Wrinkles do not start on the surface but beneath it. Creams, dermal abrasions and other topical treatments cannot hope to have much of an effect on things that are happening beneath the dermis.

Wrinkles start below the surface in the muscles. This is much farther than any surface treatment can penetrate. Yes, well moisturized skin has less visible wrinkles but that is only a pacifying move. As soon as the skin dries the wrinkles will reappear. The truth is there is not one cream on the market that works as good as or better than or just like Botox.

Creams reduce the size and depth of the creases but nothing like the results that you can get with Botox. Even the best wrinkle cream will take weeks to show any results at all while you see Botox results the same day and it gets better over the next couple of days. Creams have to be applied daily and some even have to be applied several times a day. This can mean using many tubes or jars of cream in months time.

One first inspection the cost of creams makes them seem like a much better bargain than Botox but that is just a façade. The truth is that over time you spend twice as much on creams than you do on the 4x a year treatment. A Botox treatment generally last between 3-6 months. While it cost anywhere from 300-1200 dollars a treatment thinks about it only takes 2-4 treatments each year.

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What Are The Benefits Of Botox Injections?

Posted on July 10th, 2012

botox benefitsEvery since the FDA put its stamp of approval on the use of botox for cosmetic purposes it has been the subject of much hype. Celebrities sing its praises and it has become the “go to” fix for fine line and wrinkles for people as young as 25.

For many it is like finding the fountain of youth, it is surprising indeed since Botox is a toxic derivative of Clostridium Botulinum. This is the same bacterium that is responsible for Botulism poisoning. The medication, which it was originally developed to be, causes muscles to freeze.

The first benefits of Botox injections were for medicinal purposes for chronic migraine sufferers. This is one medication for migraines that have minimal side effects. It was also used to control muscle spasm in some patients. When used to treat migraines by blocking the pain receptors.

Men who have enlarged prostates can also find relief through the miracle that is Botox. Doctors inject Botox directly into the prostate gland and this provides relief from infections and also helps with frequent urination. The side effects are not permanent, erectile dysfunction and incontinence is not a bother like with so many other treatments.

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The Science And The Truth Behind Botox Treatments

Posted on March 3rd, 2007

p3Botox is one of the most popular treatments on the market today in the fight against aging. What many users and potential users fail to realize is that there is sound science behind this little miracle. It might surprise many that this toxin was first researched as an agent for chemical warfare by both Japan and the United States. Many of our conveniences and medical breakthroughs were discovered quite by accident while researchers were perfecting new weapons of war.

The reason it was thought of as a great weapon was the fact that it really can paralyze muscles. And if ingested in large enough dosages it could even stop the heart and lungs from functioning. We do not relay this information as a scare tactic, quite the contrary, we are certain that the more you know about this product the more you will understand why it is important to seek professional providers when you decide to use it.

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Understanding What’s Behind Botox Treatments

Posted on November 24th, 2006

Without a doubt Botox has become the most widely used non-surgical treatment in the fight against signs of aging. You hear a lot of horror stories as well as a lot of success stories, but before you allow this toxin to be injected into your body you should at least learn the facts. If asked about Botox treatment you will get a wide variety of answers about what it does and how it affects the body. Some users will swear it is the greatest thing since the microwave while others will say that it is the worst experience of their lives.

There are many who say that using Botox interferes with the ability to express yourself. Emoting feelings is hard, such emotions as joy, sadness and anger are dulled not to mention that the facial muscles cannot move so it will not be able to register on your face in its normal manner. Understanding the science behind botox is important if you are going to use this treatment.

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