If there is something that all businesses, including Botox clinics, strive to achieve, it is a strong and good reputation, and how that reputation impacts the business’s brand can have both positive and negative long-term consequences. Reputations can be damaged in an instant, but, as the digital marketing and SEO specialists often advise clients, digital marketing can help to protect a brand, and repair it should something happen which tarnishes that brand.
As for what specific digital marketing strategies you can use to protect or rebuild your Botox clinic‘s brand there are a number of them, but here we are going to focus on just five, as we believe these are the ones that will have the most significant and positive impact.
Do Not Use Hyped Advertising
The first area where you want to protect your brand is with your use of advertising, and in particular what you say within it. Of course, you want to promote your product and services and the use of positive language and images to do so is perfectly fine but know where to draw the line with respect to the claims which you make. Bear in mind, online customers are far savvier than ever before and able to easily see through hyped advertising on the internet, so avoid using any.
Do Not Misuse Social Media
Social media can be an awesome marketing tool if it is used in the right way, but sadly too many businesses use it the wrong way and then wonder they are not getting any traffic from their social media pages. The clue is in the name ‘social’ which means people go to these sites to be entertained, learn something, communicate with others, and catch up with what is trending.
You want to make your pages a mix of all of these, and when it comes to protecting your brand take great care not to get involved with areas of controversy where many have very strong views. One inappropriate comment which goes viral can see your brand trashed overnight.
Actively Request Testimonials
This is so simple, which makes us wonder why so many business owners fail to do this. All you need do is encourage your clients and customers to submit a positive review if they were happy with the service they received. When you receive testimonials publish them on your website, on your social media pages, and even frame and mount them on the walls of your clinic.
Deal With Poor Reviews Immediately
There is not a business in existence that does not have at least one poor review from an unhappy customer. The key to dealing with them is not to panic but instead to actively find out what went wrong. Often it turns out to have been a misunderstanding or a minor error.
You will find if you contact someone who leaves a poor review, offer to do all you can to put right the issue, and do so, that client is likely to not only delete their poor review but also become one of your best advocates as they willingly tell others how well you looked after them.
Give Exceptional Customer Service Online
Another simple one, but often business think only about the service they give face to face and forget to do likewise online. You should be seeking to provide great service in every aspect of your business which means anyone who contacts you online with a question, a request or an issue should be dealt with speedily and with courtesy.